Board of Commissioners' Meeting

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 9:00am

971-254-3149  - Conference ID: 736 023 979#



POSTPONED:  Discussion and Consideration of an Out-Of-State Travel Request for Commissioner David Yamamoto to Attend the 2023 National Association of Counties (NACo) Western Interstate Region Conference in St. George, Utah, 5/15–5/19/2023/Commissioner David Yamamoto

UNSCHEDULED: Discussion and Consideration of a Letter of Support for the Salmon SuperHwy for a Congressional Directed Funding Request for Fish Habitat in Tillamook County/Commissioner David Yamamoto

UNSCHEDULED: Discussion and Consideration of a Letter of Support for Tillamook County Community Actions Resources Enterprise (CARE) for a Congressional Directed Funding Request for a Navigation Center in Tillamook County/Commissioner Erin Skaar

UNSCHEDULED: Discussion and Consideration of a Letter of Support for the Tillamook County YMCA for Congressional Directed Funding Request for a Free After-School Youth Center in Tillamook County/Commissioner Erin Skaar

UNSCHEDULED:  Discussion and Consideration of a Letter of Support for the Salmonberry Trail Foundation for a Congressional Directed Funding Request for the Williams Creek Trailhead/Commissioner Erin Skaar

UNSCHEDULED:  Discussion and Consideration of a Letter of Support for the Salmonberry Trail Foundation Congressional Funding Request for the Cochran Pond Trailhead/Commissioner Erin Skaar