Solid Waste Administration

Solid Waste Department logo

Our Purpose

Tillamook County regulates solid waste management, providing a coordinated and fiscally responsible solid waste program to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people, and the natural and scenic resources of Tillamook County.

Tillamook County seeks to minimize the impacts of materials throughout their lifecycle, implementing outreach and education strategies that encourage thoughtful consumption, the reduction of toxics, and the recovery of our material resources.

*NOTICE - Due to dangerous driving conditions, the Manzanita Transfer Station is closed today, Thursday, 2/13. The Tillamook transfer station is open, if needed. Updates forthcoming.


*As of 01/01/2025, the Manzanita Transfer Station has transitioned to Winter Hours. Thursday - Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In April, 2025, the site will be open to the public again on Mondays.*



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Solid Waste hierarchy
HHW Dates 2024
disposal rates
Xmas Tree Coupon
2024 ODF Yard Debris Voucher