Goal 18 Exception Public Hearing #851-21-000086-PLNG-01:
The Commissioners will attend a second public hearing Monday, August 16, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. concerning #851-21-000086-PLNG-01: A Goal Exception Request for Approval of an Exception to Statewide Planning Goal 18, Implementation Measure (IM) 5; Approval of a 18, Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a "Committed" Exception and/or a "Reasons" Exception to Goal Implementation Measure 5 for the Construction of Shoreline Stabilization along the Westerly Lots of the Pine Beach Subdivision and Five Oceanfront Lots to the North Located Within the Barview/Twin Rocks/Watseco Unincorporated Community Boundary Together with Floodplain Development Permit Request #851-2 1-000086-PLNG for the Installation of a Beachfront Protective Structure (Rip Rap Revetment) Within an Active Eroding Foredune East of the Line of Established Vegetation in the Coastal High Hazard (VE) Zone, an Area of Special Flood Hazard Within the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone. The Subject Properties are Lots 11-20 of the Pine Beach Replat Unit #1, Designated as Tax Lots 114 Through 123, of Section 7DD, and Tax Lots 3000,3 100,3104,3203 And 3204 of Section 7DA all in Township 1 North, Range 10 West of The Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. There are Multiple Property Owners and Applicants.
The teleconference number is 1-971-254-3149, Conference ID: 736 023 979#.