Ordinance #74 Amendment #3

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The Tillamook Board of County Commissioners is considering increasing the transient lodging tax from 10% to 15% countywide. First, the Board must consider the proposed draft Amendment #3 to County Ordinance #74. If approved, the Board must refer the Amended Ordinance to the voters for approval before it becomes effective.



Meetings with Short-Term Rental and Lodging Owners and Operators

January 16          Town Hall:  5:30 pm 
                                Port of Tillamook Bay, 4000 Blimp Boulevard, Tillamook

January 18          Town Hall:  10:00 am
Port of Tillamook Bay, 4000 Blimp Boulevard, Tillamook

Attend the January 16 or 18 meetings virtually:  Meeting link


Ordinance Public Hearings

January 29          Board Meeting:  1st Public Hearing, 10:00 am
Tillamook County Courthouse, Meeting Room 106, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook

January 29          Board Meeting:  2nd Public Hearing, 5:30-8:30 pm
ort of Tillamook Bay, 4000 Blimp Boulevard, Tillamook

February 12       Board Meeting:  3rd Public Hearing - Adoption, 10:00 am
Tillamook County Courthouse, Meeting Room 106, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook

Attend the January 29 and February 12 public hearings virtually:  1-971-254-3149, Conference ID: 866 914 607#.


To provide public comment:  Public Comments