Supporting Documents
NOAA Guidance to Improve Resilience for Fish Passage
NOAA Guidance for Salmonid Stream Crossings
BLM Northwest Oregon Planning Update
USDOT National Culvert Removal Replacement and Restoration Grant Program
Ecological approach to providing fish passage
Pacific Lamprey Implementation Plan
BMGs Lampreys During In Water Work
Department of State Lands - Head of Tides for Oregon Costal Streams
ODFW Recreation report for the Northwest Zone
ODFW Multi-Species Coastal Management Plan (CMP) Website
ODFW Multi-Species Coastal Management Plan (CMP) Executive Summary
ODFW Multi-Species Coastal Management Plan (CMP) Full Document
ODFW Coastal Coho Conservation Plan
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership
TEP Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
TEP Tidal Wetlands Prioritization - Tillamook Bay
New Challenges in the Struggle to Save Pacific Salmon