Address Change Form

If you have moved or made any ownership changes, please notify us.

In Person

Stop by our office at 201 Laurel Ave Tillamook, OR 97141.


To process a mailing address change by email, please include: new mailing address, the account number(s) for each property that needs to be updated, who is making the request, relationship to owner if the owner is not making the request (i.e. personal rep, PoA, Executor, etc.), and a telephone number if we need to verify the information.

The form may be emailed ( or mailed.

Mailing Address Change Form

According to Oregon law the responsibility of mailing address change notification to Assessment and Taxation relies on the taxpayer.  Late or misdelivered payments are not eligible for any discount and will accrue interest.

ORS 311.555 Property owners to furnish addresses.

Each person, firm or corporation owning real or personal property within the state, or against whom taxes upon real or personal property are chargeable, shall keep the tax collector of the county where such real or personal property is situated informed of the true and correct address of the person, firm or corporation.  No person, firm or corporation who fails to keep the tax collector so informed shall be permitted to plead lack of due notice given by the tax collector in any suit, action or other proceedings commenced or prosecuted under the provisions of ORS 311.545 to 311.565 or in any matter growing out of the administration of ORS 311.545 to 311.565.

Notice must be in writing and contain applicable property identification, map and/or tax account number.

The county assessor of each county shall maintain records showing the information required to be submitted to the assessor, and note any property owner’s change of address on the tax rolls.