
Permit ID(s): 
Project Type:
Land Use Application
Land Use Application Status: 
Appeal Period
Date of Notice: 
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Applicant / Property Owner: 
Boudreau/TNJ Investments, LLC
Neptune Ct
Nehalem, OR

A Variance request to reduce the required roof pitch for manufactured dwellings, from a pitch of four (4) feet in height to each twelve (12) feet in width (4/12 pitch) to three (3) feet in height of each twelve (12) feet in width (3/12 pitch), to allow for the placement of a residential structure. The subject property is located within the Urban Growth Boundary of the Incorporated City of Nehalem, at the corner of Neptune Way and Neptun Court, both County local access roads, zoned Nehalem’s Mixed Density Residential (RM) Zone and designated as Tax Lot 1818 of Section 33BA, Township 3 North, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Spencer Boudreau. The property owner is TNJ Investments, LLC.