Land Use Applications Under Review

Land Use Applications
Permits Applicant / Property Owner Description Type Status
851-25-000108-PLNG Nick Petersen

A Conditional Use request for a change in use of a 5-unit apartment to a 5-unit motel, on a property within Unincorporated Community of Netarts located at 4817 Netarts Highway west, a State Highway, and designated as Tax Lot 300 in Section 5BC of Township 2 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Netarts Neighborhood Commercial (NT-C1). The applicant and property owner is Nick Petersen.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-25-000087-PLNG Spath/Selby

An exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Nestucca River by 30-feet and establish a 20-foot riparian setback to allow for the construction of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is accessed from Airport Way, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 6000, of Section 30BD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Medium

Resource / Riparian Exception Notice of Application
851-25-000028-PLNG Lucas Slavens/Lucas & Sarah Slavens

A Conditional Use request for the placement of a two-family dwelling not associated with an active business, on a property within Unincorporated Community of Beaver located at 19990 Blaine Road, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 4100 in Section 30DA of Township 3 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC). The applicant is Lucas Slavens. The property owners are Lucas and Sarah Slavens.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-25-000014-PLNG Elsy Ghisleli Ramirez Gill

A Conditional Use request for the operation of a one (1) bedroom bed and breakfast enterprise within an existing single-family dwelling on a property within Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods located at 34200 Tidewater Lane, a county road, and designated as Tax Lot 2400 in Section 19CB of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential Zone (PCW-R2). The applicant and property owner is Elsy Ghisleli Ramirez Gill.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-24-000669-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc.

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 200 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL) with area part of Tillamook County Recreational Management Zone (RM) and Estuary Natural Zone (EN). The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Dr. and Bayloop Rd., both private roads. The applicant, and owner, is Nehalem Point, Inc.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000616-PLNG Wyntergreen Survey Co., LLC/Rex Parsons

#851-24-000616-PLNG: A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located northeast of the City of Tillamook via Westwood Drive, a private road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 302 of Section 16AC, Township 1 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The owner of the property is Rex Parsons, and the applicant is Wyntergreen Survey Co., LLC.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000551-PLNG Rocha/Sherer

A Floodplain Development Permit Variance request for the construction of an agricultural building for storage located in the Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) zone. The subject property is located off Tomlinson Road, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 1600 in Section 26 of Township 1 South, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant is Grant Rocha and the property owner is Brett & Kristi Sherer.

Variance Under Review
851-24-000547-PLNG Fiedler/Wellman

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a proposed single-family dwelling near the Nestucca River. The subject property is accessed from Rueppell, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 1500, of Section 30BB of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) Zone.  The applicant is Joe Fiedler and the property owner is Shawna Wellman.  

Floodplain Development Permit Notice of Application
851-24-000529-PLNG Phillips

Conditional Use request for the placement of a Recreational Vehicle (RV) for use as a Health Hardship, on a property southeast of the Unincorporated Community of Hebo, located at 33805 Highway 22, a State road, and designated as Tax Lot 502 in Section 19 of Township 4 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owner are Terry Phillips.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000527-PLNG Mugge

A Variance request to exceed the 24-foot height maximum by 14-feet for a maximum building height of 38-feet as measured from existing, pre-construction grade. Located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin, the subject property is accessed via South Beach Road, a private road, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1), and designated as Tax Lot 214 of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The Applicant is Clinton Mugge. The property owner is Clinton & Michelle Mugge.

Variance Appeal Period
851-24-000526-PLNG Boudreau/TNJ Investments, LLC

A Variance request to reduce the required roof pitch for manufactured dwellings, from a pitch of four (4) feet in height to each twelve (12) feet in width (4/12 pitch) to three (3) feet in height of each twelve (12) feet in width (3/12 pitch), to allow for the placement of a residential structure.

Variance Appeal Period
851-24-000518-PLNG Spath/Selby

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a proposed single-family dwelling near the Nestucca River. The subject property is accessed from Airport Way, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 6000, of Section 30BD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) Zone.  The applicant is Ian Spath and the property owners are Howard and Mary Selby.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-24-000515-PLNG Shemetov/Holiat

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow for the replacement of an existing non-conforming deck attached to a single-family dwelling, as the deck does not conform to the Oceanfront Setback Line. The property is located within the Unincorporated Community of Barview/Twin Rocks/Watseco at 17460 Pine Beach Way, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 122 in Section 7DD of Township 1 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Community Medium Density Urban Residential (CR-2).

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-24-000508-PLNG Moyer

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary and establish a 51-foot setback from the west (side) property line to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is located southeast of Tillamook City, accessed off Bewley Creek Road, a County Road and designated as Tax Lot 3001 in Section 18 of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The prop

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-24-000488-PLNG TowerCo/T-Mobile/ODF

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Coast Range North road, a private road maintained by the Oregon Department of Forestry, located off  Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, north of the Unincorporated Community of Siskeyville and designated as Tax Lot 100 of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6  of Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Conditional Use Appeal Period



#851-24-000483-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the placement of a six-unit multi-family dwelling to be used as a condominium, together with #851-24-000483-PLNG-01, a Variance request to reduce the required 10-foot front yard setback for a residential structure in the PCW-C1 zone to 4.4-feet, and #851-24-000483-PLNG-02, a Riparian Exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback to 20-feet for the placement of the proposed multi-family dwelling structure.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000482-PLNG Adventist Health Tillamook/Valley View Heights HOA

#851-24-000482-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the sitting of a communication facility on a property located in the Valley View Heights subdivision, east of the City of Tillamook, located off Bruin Road, a private road and designated as Tax Lot 405 in Section 26 of Township 1 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Residential 20Acre (RR-2). The applicant is Adventist Health Tillamook. Property Owner is Valley View Heights HOA.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-24-000472-PLNG House on the Hill / Denny & Chris Pastega

House on the Hill; Conditional Use Request Application to replace the existing hotel development with a new hotel development on a property commonly known as the House on the Hill in Oceanside. 

Conditional Use Under Review
851-24-000423-PLNG Tobin/Catterall

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow for the replacement and expansion of an existing non-conforming decks attached to a single-family dwelling, as the decks does not conform to setbacks. The property is located within the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside at 546 Aster Street, a County road, and designated as Tax Lot 2100 in Section 30BC of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Residential Oceanside (ROS). The property owner and applicants are Regina Tobin and Shirely Catterall.

Nonconforming Review Under Review
851-24-000421-PLNG Murakami/Verizon/ODF

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, and designated as Tax Lot 400 in Section 9 of Township 1 North, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami.  Property owner is Oregon Department of Forestry.   

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000420-PLNG Onion Peak Design/ Baron SJ Family Trust

A Partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Nehalem, accessed via Fern Way, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 3800 of Section 28DC, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned City of Nehalem Mixed Density Residential (RM) zone. The property owner is Baron SJ Family Trust, and the applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000402-PLNG Tech Engineering/ ARD Services LLC

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located northeast of the Unincorporated Community of Beaver via Sandlake Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 1207 of Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The owner of the property is ARD Services LLC, and the applicant is Tech Engineering.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000399-PLNG JAS Engineering/Hedges

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front yard setback to 5-feet to allow for the placement of a residential structure, to be used as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and garage. The subject property is located within the Unincorporated Community of Netarts, accessed via a private easement, zoned Netarts Residential Manufactured Dwelling (NT-RMD) Zone and designated as Tax Lot 8001 of Section 5DB, Township 2 South, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is JAS Engineering. The property owner is Curtis Hedges

Variance Appeal Period
851-24-000397-PLNG Murakami/ODF

#851-24-000397-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, and designated as Tax Lot 200 in Index Section 1 of Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami.  Property owner is Oregon Department of Forestry.   

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000396-PLNG Murakami/ODF

#851-24-000396-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, and designated as Tax Lot 7000 in Index Section 1 of Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami.  Property owner is Oregon Department of Forestry.   

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000395-PLNG Murakami/State of Oregon

#851-24-000395-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, and designated as Tax Lot 1000 in Section 11 of Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami.  Property owner is State of Oregon.  

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000394-PLNG Murakami/ODF

#851-24-000394-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, and designated as Tax Lot 400 in Section 25 of Township 1 North, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami.  Property owner is Oregon Department of Forestry.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000393-PLNG Murakami/ODF

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, and designated as Tax Lot 4200 in Index Section 6 of Township 1 North, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami.  Property owner is Oregon Department of Forestry.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000384-PLNG Klein

A Variance request to reduce the required 15-foot street side yard setback to 5-feet to allow for the placement of a residential structure. The subject property is located south of the Unincorporated Community of Beaver, within the Nestucca Bend Subdivision, accessed via Nestucca Drive, a private road, zoned Rural Residential 2 Acres (RR-2) and designated as Tax Lot 3300 of Section 31DB, Township 3 South, Range 9 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Charmaine and James Klein. The property owner is James R Klein.

Variance Appeal Period
851-24-000380-PLNG Onion Peak Design / Underhill Revocable Trust

A Partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the UGB of the City of Nehalem, accessed via Underhill Lane, a local access road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 100 of Section 28DA, Township 3 North, Range l O West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned City of Nehalem Commercial (C) zone. The property owner is Bethel Underhill Revocable Trust, and the applicant is Onion Peak Design. 

Partition Notice of Application
851-24-000378-PLNG SDC Tillamook/Tillamook PUD

Partition proposal to create a 5.9-acre parcel in accordance with approved Developmental Permit #851-17-000448-PRMT, Conditional Use #851-17-000448-PLNG-01, and Administrative Review #851-17-000448-PLNG-02; a request for the construction of the Oceanside Substation and Tillamook-Oceanside 115-kilovolt (kv) Transmission Line.  The subject property (parent parcel) is accessed via Cape Meares Loop Road, a county-maintained road, is identified as Tax Lot 500 of Section 30, Township 1 South, Range 10 West and zoned Forest (F).

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000331-PLNG Martin

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary and establish a 20-foot setback from the north (side) property line to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is located east of the unincorporated community of Beaver, accessed via a private easement off of Upper Nestucca River RD, a County Road and designated as Tax Lot 301 in Section 01 of Township 4 South, Range 8 West of the Willa

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-24-000319-PLNG Jim Hansen

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a proposed single-family dwelling near the Nestucca River. The subject property is accessed from Resort Drive, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 5905, of Section 19AC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) Zone.  The applicant and property owner is James Hansen.  

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-24-000318-PLNG Tillamook PUD/ SDC Tillamook

A Variance request to reduce the required 30-foot property line setback to IO-feet for the relocation of a down guy and anchor to support the approved construction of a 115-kilovolt Transmission Line. The subject property is accessed via a private easement and is designated as Tax Lot 500 of Section 30, Township I South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Forest (F). The applicant is Tillamook People's Utility District (PUD), and the property owner is SDC Tillamook, Scott Marshall representative.

Variance Appeal Period
851-24-000313-PLNG Ready2Market/Wells Fargo Bank

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the construction of a single-family dwelling, to rebuild after a fire, on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH) Zone. The subject property is accessed via Breakers Blvd and designated as Tax Lot 92411 of Section 25CB in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period
851-24-000293-PLNG Richard Boyles/Sahhali South LLC

Request for conditional use approval to amend the Planned Development Master Plan for ‘Sahhali South’. Located at off Proposal Point Drive, a private road, the subject properties are located within the Neskowin Unincorporated Community, zoned Neskowin Rural Residential (NeskRR), and designated as Tax Lots 4000 and 4100 of Section 24AB, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The Applicant is Richard Boyles. The property owner is Sahhali South LLC.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000283-PLNG Burkett / Higgins

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow for the expansion and alteration of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling, with the removal of an existing deck on the south/southwest facing side of the dwelling and construction of a sunroom in the same location. The property is located within the Unincorporated Community of BarviewfTwin Rocks/Watseco at 15040 Highway 101 North, a state highway, and designated as Tax Lot 1300 in Section 17CD of Township 1 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-24-000278-PLNG Michael Rice/ Alexis Roos

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Community of Beaver, via Farnam Street. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 700 of Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). The property owner is Alexis Roos, and the applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000277-PLNG Michael Rice/ Alexis Roos

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Community of Beaver, via Farnam Street. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 705 of Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). The property owner is Alexis Roos, and the applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000257-PLNG Onion Peak Design/ David Imholt

A Partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the UGB of the City of Nehalem, accessed via Bayside Gardens Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 800 of Section 28DC, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned City of Nehalem Mixed Density Residential (RM) zone. The property owner is David Imholt, and the applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000248-PLNG Verizon / Stimson Lumber

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, north of the Unincorporated Community of Siskeyville and designated as Tax Lot 200 in Section 9B of Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami. Property owner is Stimson Lumber Company. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000241-PLNG Toby White

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of dock on a property improved with an existing single-family dwelling near the Nehalem River. The subject property is accessed from Resort Drive, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 5904, of Section 19AC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is located in the Estuary Conservation 1 (ECl) and Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) Zones. The applicant and property owner is Toby White.

Estuary Development Permit Appeal Period
851-24-000231-PLNG Bay City/ASK Engineering & Forestry

Conditional Use request for improvements to an existing municipal water system for water intake facilities and related treatment facilities, located in Unincorporated Tillamook County, accessed off Kilchis Forest Road, a private road and designated as Tax Lot 2400 in Section 32D of Township 1 North, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). The applicant is AKS Engineering and Forestry, and the property owner is City of Bay City.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000228-PLNG Shelli Dial

Request for operation of a daycare facility within an existing structure on a property located at 6060 Whiskey Creek Road, a County road, south of the Unincorporated Community of Netarts. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 300 in Section 17 A of Township 2 South, Range IO West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Commercial (RC). The applicant and property owner is Shelli Dial.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000223-PLNG Onion Peak Design / Jane Gillis

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Unincorporated Community of Neah-Kah-Nie via Nehalem Road, a county-maintained road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 9600 of Section 20CD, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential Zone (NK-7.5). The property owner is Jane Gillis. The applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000219-PLNG Mark Harvey

A Conditional Use request for a processing facility for a commercial operation and distillery with a tasting room in conjunction with an existing farm operation on the farm tract.  The subject property is located at 11600 Highway 101 South in Tillamook, OR and includes Tax Lot 900 of Section 29A, Township 2 South, Range 9 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon.  The subject property is zoned Farm (F-1).  The applicant and owner is Mark Harvey.  

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000203-PLNG Relevant Building Co. / Robert Taylor

A Conditional Use request for the placement of single-family dwelling, on a property within Unincorporated Tillamook County, located off of Sandlake Road, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 14900 in Section 6BC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Commercial (RC). The applicant is Kalli Light with Relevant Building CO. The property owner is Robert Taylor. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000192-PLNG-01 Dehen/OPRD

An appeal of the Planning Commissions decision to approve Conditional Use request #851-24-000192-PLNG to update the Master Plan for Nehalem Bay State Park. The subject properties are located adjacent to the City of Manzanita, and designated as Tax Lot 100 of Index Section 00, Township 2 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, and Tax Lot 300 of Section 32 & Tax Lot 1700 of Section 33, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.


The appellant is Regina Ida Dehen.

Conditional Use BoCC Hearing
851-24-000192-PLNG Tracy Johnson/OPRD

Request for conditional use approval to update the Master Plan for Nehalem Bay State Park. Located at off Garey Street, a County road, the subject properties are located adjacent to the City of Manzanita, zoned Recreation Management (RM), and designated as Tax Lot 100 of Index Section 00, Township 2 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, and Tax Lot 300 of Section 32 & Tax Lot 1700 of Section 33, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The Applicant is Tracy Johnson.

Conditional Use Appealed
851-24-000176-PLNG Murakami / Tillamook County

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, addressed as 26476 Wilson River Highway and designated as Tax Lot 800 in Section 7 of Township 1 South, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami. Property owner is Tillamook County. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000175-PLNG Murakami / Tillamook County

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, addressed as 13990 Wilson River Highway and designated as Tax Lot 600 in Section 18B of Township I South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Forest (F). Applicant is Tessie Murakami. Property owner is Tillamook County.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000173-PLNG Sea Q Fish LTD/ACZ Hospitality LLC

A Conditional Use request for the placement and operation of a Temporary Mobile Food Unit, on a property within Unincorporated Pacific City/Woods Tillamook County located at 33555 Ferry Street, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 1600 in Section 19AC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Pacific City/Woods Commercial One Zone (PCW-C1). The applicant is Sea Q Fish LTD. The property owner is ACZ Hospitality LLC.

Conditional Use Under Review
851-24-000171-PLNG Liz Ransom/Tillamook County

An Estuary and Floodplain Development Permit for the replacement of an existing culvert with a bridge located in Flower Pot Creek, a tributary to Tillamook Bay, located upon Bayocean Road. The applicant is Liz Ransom, and the property owner is Tillamook County.  

Estuary Development Permit Appeal Period
851-24-000168-PLNG AR Northwest / James & Heidi Van Orman

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary by 45-feet to establish a 55-foot setback from the northerly (side) property line to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). 

Resource / Riparian Exception Notice of Application
851-24-000168-PLNG AR Northwest / James & Heidi Van Orman

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary by 45-feet to establish a 55-foot setback from the northerly (side) property line to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). 

Resource / Riparian Exception Notice of Application
851-24-000165-PLNG Donald & Jaimie Josi

A Conditional Use request for a processing facility and farm stand in conjunction with an existing farm operation on the farm tract.  The subject property is located at 735 Wilson River Loop in Tillamook, OR and includes Tax Lots 1400 and 1600 of Section 20A, Township 1 South, Range 9 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon.  The subject property is zoned Farm (F-1).  The applicant and owners are Donald and Jaimie Josi.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000163-PLNG Reimer/Lorinczi

A Conditional Use request for operation of a Bed and Breakfast Enterprise within a single-family dwelling on a property, located at 15575 Farmer Creek Road, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 4900 in Index Section 2 of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20).  The property owners are Nathan Reimer, Danielle Lombardi, Seth Lorinczi & Julianna Bright. Applicant is Seth Lorinczi and Nathan Reimer.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000156-PLNG Gray/Walsh

A Non-conforming Minor Review request to allow for the expansion of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling, with the addition of living space. The dwelling has an existing non-conforming height of 22.6-feet. The proerty is located within the Unincorporated Communityof Neahkahnie at 37385 First Street, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 7402 in Section 20CD of Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Neakahnie Urban Residential Zone (NK-7.5). The applicant is Bryan Fish.

Nonconforming Review Under Review
851-24-000136-PLNG Woodblock Architecture/Oceanside Cabins, LLC

Request for Conditional Use approval for development of a 16-unit hotel on a property zoned Commercial Oceanside Zone (COS) located in the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside.  The subject property is located at 1610 Pacific Avenue, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 4800 of Section 25AA, Township 1 North, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property owner is Oceanside Cabins, LLC. The applicant is Woodblock Architecture, Inc. 

Conditional Use
851-24-000134-PLNG Dylan Turner/ Reeher's Homestead Inc.

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the expansion of a non-conforming use involving the siting of a residential structure in a location which conforms to the dimensional standards of the zone and required riparian setbacks.  The proposed site of development is off Reeher Road, a private road, and southeast of Homestead Road, also a private road.  The subject property is accessed off of the Wilson River Highway via Reeher Road and is designated as Tax Lot 800 in Section 4 of Township 1 North, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, O

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-24-000129-PLNG Michael Ihnat

A Conditional Use request for the construction of an accessory structure without a primary structure, on a property within Unincorporated Cloverdale Tillamook County located off Misty Drive, a County Road and designated as Tax Lot 3300 in Section 26BB of Township 4 South, Range l O West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Community Low Density Urban Residential (CR-1). The applicant and property owner are Michael Ihnat. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000126-PLNG Helping Hands

Request for expansion of an established emergency crisis and outreach center (Helping Hands) approved as Conditional Use request #851-15-000379-PLNG. Located at 6505 Headquarters Street, in the Port of Tillamook Bay Industrial Park, the subject property is located south of the City of Tillamook and designated as Tax Lot 800 in Section 4 of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned General Industrial (M-1). The applicant and owner are Helping Hands Re-Entry Outreach Centers. 

Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing
851-24-000100-PLNG Murakami / Wilson River 6 LLC

 A Conditional Use request for the installation of a new wireless communications facility on property located off Wilson River Highway (6), a State highway, addressed as 20090 Wilson River Highway and designated as Tax Lot 501 in Section 10 of Township I South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Small Farm and Woodlot 20-Acres (SFW-20) and Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The communications facility is proposed to be sited primarily within the SFW-20 zoned region of the subject property where the provisions of the Forest (F) zone apply.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000098-PLNG Alfonso/Wombwell

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the removal of a tree, on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH) Zone. The subject property is accessed via South Beach Road and designated as Tax Lot 4800 of Section 35DA in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Adam Alfonso and the property owner is Daen Wombwell and Grace Barnard.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period
851-24-000080-PLNG Michael Rice/ Case Roos

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Community of Beaver, via a private easement off Blaine Road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 702 of Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). The property owner is Case Roos, and the applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000072-PLNG Tillamook County

Legislative text amendment request to amend Section 3.010 of Tillamook County Land Use Ordinance (TCLUO) to establish use and development standards for construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and siting of a Recreational Vehicle on residentially zoned properties located within the Rural Residential 2-Acre and 10-Acre zone. The Planning Commission may take action at the hearing on March 14, 2024, or may continue the matter to a date and time announced at the hearing.

Ordinance Amendment BoCC Hearing
851-24-000053-PLNG Roos

An application has been filed with the Tillamook County Department of Community Development at the request of Case and Alexis Roos to name two private access easements Berkshire Road and Farman Street, located in the Unincorporated Community of Beaver, within Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 9, West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The access easements connect to Blaine Road, a County Road and provide access to residential properties. The applicants are Casey and Alexis Roos.

Planning Commission Hearing
851-24-000046-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 202 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West ofthe Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, on a property primarily zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL) with area part of Tillamook County Recreation Management (RM) zone and Estuary Natural (EN) Zone. The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Dr., a private road. The applicant and property owner is Nehalem Point, Inc.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000035-PLNG RICE/WILKS

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located South of the Incorporated City of Tillamook via Highway 101 S., a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 01305 of Section 21B0, Township 2 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The property owners are Tanya & Dennis Wilks and the applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Appeal Period

A Conditional Use request for the placement of a single-family dwelling not associated with an active business, on a property within Unincorporated Tillamook County located at 20000 Blaine Road, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 1000 in Section 29CB of Township 3 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC). The applicant is Lucas Slavens. The property owners are Lucas and Sarah Slavens. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-24-000019-PLNG Bayside Surveying/Joshua & Shoshannah Strauss

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located north of the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin, via a private easement off Windy Lane, a private road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 900 of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The property owners are Joshua & Shoshannah Strauss and the applicant is Bayside Surveying.

Partition Appeal Period
851-24-000035-PLNG Michael Rice / Tanya & Dennis Wilks

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located South of the Incorporated City of Tillamook via Highway 101 S., a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 01305 of Section 2 lBO, Township 2 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The property owners are Tanya & Dennis Wilks and the applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Notice of Application
851-24-000003-PLNG Bayside Surveying/Neahkahnie Farm Property, LLC

A partition request to create two (2) separate parcels. Located east of the City of Manzanita accessed via Highway 101 N., a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 100 of Section 29, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned both Tillamook County Forest (F) and City of Manzanita UGB (MZ_R). The property owner is Neahkahnie Farm Property, LLC and the applicant is Bayside Surveying.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000573-PLNG Bayside Surveying / Treasure Mountain LLC

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located East of the Incorporated City of Bay City via Willowbrook Drive, a private road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 00400 of Section 36, Township I North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The property owner is Treasure Mountain, LLC and the applicant is Bayside Surveying. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000572-PLNG Bayside Surveying / TDM 6500 LLC

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the unincorporated community of Tierra Del Mar, via Sandlake Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 500 of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). The property owner is TDM 6500, LLC and the applicant is Bayside Surveying. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000562-PLNG Peters/Batcheler/Gauen

A Variance request to increase the allowed driveway width of 25-percent of the street frontage of the lot to 42.6-percent and increase the allowed building width of 70-percent at all points to 77.1-percent, to allow for the placement of a residential structure and improve its driveway/access.

Variance Appeal Period
851-23-000556-PLNG Mikesell

A Variance request to reduce the required five (5) foot side yard setback to a three (3) foot side yard setback to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is located in the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside accessed via Crescent Road, a County road, zoned Residential Oceanside (ROS) Zone and designated as Tax Lot 2303 of Section 30CD, Township 1 South, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owner are Christian Mikesell.

Variance Appeal Period

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow for the expansion of an existing non­conformjng single-family dwelling, to remove a western (front) portion of the single-family dwelling and add an addition of living space, garage and a second story deck to the north westerly (side and rear) portion of the subject property.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-23-000549-PLNG SCOTT GESIK

Conditional Use request for the construction of an accessory structure without a primary structure on a property located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin, accessed off of Scherzinger Road, a private road and designated as Tax Lot 200 in Section 24AA of Township 5 South, Range] 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Neskowin Rural Residential (NeskRR). The applicant and property owner is Scott W Gesik. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000536-PLNG Don Wallace / M&P Sunrise LLC

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located North of the unincorporated community of Tillamook via Sollie Smith Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 600 of Section 15, Township I South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2) and partially Farm (F-1). The property owner is M & P Sunrise, LLC and the applicant is Don Wallace. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000533-PLNG Markus Mead, Frog Eyes Wasabi LLC

An exception request to reduce the required JOO-foot resource zone setback from the Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20) zone boundary by 95-feet to establish a 5-foot setback from the southerly property line (side), and by 80-feet to establish a 20-foot setback from the easterly (rear) property line as prescribed by the Rural Residential 2 Acre (RR-2) zone standards, TCLUO Section 3.010. 

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-23-000527-PLNG CLAUDIU POP

An exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Tillamook Bay Estuary zone boundary by 30-feet and establish a 20-foot riparian setback to allow for the construction of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). Accessed via Bayocean Road, a County road, the subject property is located west of the city of Tillamook, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 300 in Section 22A of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The owner and applicant is Claudiu Pop. 

Resource / Riparian Exception Notice of Application
851-23-000525-PLNG O'Connor

Request for Conditional Use approval for development of a 10-site recreational campground on a property zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) located north of the City of Garibaldi.  The subject property is accessed via Miami Foley Road, a County road, and designated as Tax Lot 1300 of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.Request for Conditional Use approval for development of a 10-site recreational campground on a property zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) located north of the City of Garibaldi.  The subject

Conditional Use
851-23-000517-PLNG Pratt

A Conditional Use request for the for development of a 6-site primitive campground on property within Unincorporated Tillamook County located at 20285 Derrick RD, a County Road, compromised as Lots 1600 and 1500 in Section 17 of Township 3 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Farm (F-1) and Small Farm and Woodlot Zone (SFW-20). The applicant is Jesse Pratt. The property owners are Jesse L Pratt, Timothy G Pratt, and Jill L Pratt.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000514-PLNG Ransom/Peterson

An Estuary and Floodplain Development Permit for the replacement of an existing culvert and tidegate within Esther Creek, a tributary of Tillamook River, located adjacent to Tomlinson Road. The applicant is Liz Ransom, and the property owner is Eric Peterson.

Estuary Development Permit Appeal Period
851-23-000491-PLNG Curtis Fetzer / Wyss Living Trust

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary and establish SO-foot setbacks to both the north and west property lines, to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). 

Resource / Riparian Exception Notice of Application
851-23-000488-PLNG Nick Peterson & Skyler Veek

A partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located in the Unincorporated Community of Netarts, accessed from Netarts Highway West, a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 405 of Section 05BC, Township 2 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Netarts High Density Urban Residential (NT-R3). The property owner and applicant are Nick Peterson and Skyler Veek. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000486-PLNG Tillamook County Public Works Department

An application has been filed with the Tillamook County Department of Community Development at the request of the Tillamook County Public Works Department to rename the Cape Kiwanda beach access to "Dorymen's Way". Located within Section 24AA, Township 4 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, the road connects Cape Kiwanda Drive to the dory launch ramp in Pacific City. The applicant is the Tillamook County Public Works Department. 

BoCC Hearing
851-23-000485-PLNG Tillamook County Public Works Department

An application has been filed with the Tillamook County Department of Community Development at the request of the Tillamook County Public Works Department to rename a portion of Cape Meares Loop Road to Lighthouse Road. The area of roadway is located within Section I 8, Township l South, Range I 0 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

BoCC Hearing
851-23-000477-PLNG Tyler Tubbs & Christine Campbell

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary by 50-feet to establish a SO-foot setback from the northerly (rear) property line, and by 25-feet to establish a 75-foot setback from the southerly (front) property line. The eastern zone boundary would be reduced by 85-feet to establish a 15-foot side yard setback and by 70-feet to establish a 30-foot side yard setback from the west property line. 

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-23-000465-PLNG Riverview Meadows Development, LLC

An application has been filed with the Tillamook County Department of Community Development at the request of Riverview Meadows Development, LLC. The proposed rename request is within Riverview Meadows Subdivision. The request is to rename Verns Place to Coltlee Drive, to rename Sunnyview Drive to Riverview Drive, and to name an unnamed emergency access easement to Riverview Drive. The Riverview Subdivision is located within the City of Nehalem Urban Growth Boundary in Section 23B, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. 

BoCC Hearing
851-23-000456-PLNG Michael Rice / Case Roos

A partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located east of the City of Tillamook, within the Unincorporated Community of Siskeville, accessed via Wilson River Highway (Highway 6), a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 200 of Section 08D, Township 1 South, Range 08 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). The property owner is Case Roos, and the applicant is Michael Rice. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000452-PLNG Seabreeze & Associates / Jay Julien Irrevocable Trust

A partition request for two (2) residential parcels following completion of a property line adjustment. Located within the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin and accessed from South Beach Road, a private road, the subject properties made part of the partition and property line adjustment proposal are designated as Tax Lots 00220 and 02200 of Section 36BC, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject properties are zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1 ).

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000421-PLNG Claudia Martin

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front yard setback to 10-feet to allow for the placement of a single-family dwelling on the subject property. The subject property is accessed off Twana Trace Road, a private road, that abuts Sunset Drive, a County owned road, and is designated as Tax Lot 1708 of Section 20BB, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential Zone (NK-15). The applicant and property owner are Claudia Martin.

Variance Appeal Period
851-23-000374-PLNG Nehalem Point

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 200 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL) with area part of Tillamook County Recreational Management Zone (RM) and Estuary Natural Zone (EN). The subject properties front Bay View Drive and Nehalem Point Dr., both private roads. The applicant, and owner, is Nehalem Point, Inc. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000345-PLNG Murakami/L&C Tree Farms, LLC

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a communication tower on property located off  Highway 22, a State highway, and is designated as Tax Lot 400 in Section 28 of Township 5 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F).

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000287-PLNG Nancy & Jack Case

A Conditional Use request to permit a Non-Farm Dwelling in the Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20) zone.  The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 400 of Section 6 in Township 6 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is located off of Slab Creek Road, a County road.  The property is zoned Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20).  The applicant and property owners are Nancy & Jack Case.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000219-PLNG Gaudioso/Donckels

Conditional Use request to amend the Planned Development Master Plan for ‘Sahhali Shores at Neskowin Unit III’. Located between Sahhali Drive and Tyee Court, both private roads, the subject property is located within the Neskowin Unincorporated Community, zoned Neskowin Rural Residential (NeskRR), and designated as Tax Lot 5700 of Section 13DC, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owners are Jennifer Gaudioso and Damian Donckels.

Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing
851-23-000212-PLNG Gary Beyer / Tillamook Elks Lodge

Request for conditional use approval to expand the Elks Campground by adding 15 additional full hookup RV sites for a total of 51 sites, together with a proposal for 5 dry camp sites.  The subject property is accessed via Highway 101, is located south of the City of Tillamook and south of the Pleasant Valley rest area and is designated as Tax Lot 1302 in Section 21B of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2).  The applicant is Gary Beyer, and the property owner is the Till

Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing
851-23-000211-PLNG Jacob Bruns/ Jacob & Kayleen Bruns

Conditional Use Request for the placement of a recreational vehicle without a primary structure. Located northeast of Mohler, accessed off of a private easement abutting State Highway 53 and designated as Tax Lot 1704 in Section 25 of Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, the property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant is Jacob Bruns and the property owners are Jacob and Kayleen Bruns.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-23-000210-PLNG Tillamook County

The Tillamook County Department of Community Development is in process of amending resource zone codes to reflect updated state regulations in a series of proposed amendments to the Tillamook County Land Use Ordinance (TCLUO), Section 3.004: Forest (F) Zone, in consideration to ‘Template Dwelling’ reviews.

Ordinance Amendment Appeal Period
851-23-000186-PLNG Onion Peak Design / William Louie & Sharon Hayes

A Partition request to create two (2) parcels. Located within the Nehalem Urban Growth Boundary at Tax Lot 2700 of Section 28DB, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Medium Density Residential (NH-R3). The subject property is accessed via Highway 101 N., a state highway. The owners are William Louie and Sharon Hayes. The applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000185-PLNG Onion Peak Design/ Martin & Jennifer Holm

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the Unincorporated Community of Neah-Kah-Nie via Nehalem Road, a county-maintained road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 9400 of Section 20CD, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential Zone (NK-7.5). The property owners are Martin and Jennifer Holm. The applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000183-PLNG Onion Peak Design/ Diane Willis

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels, located east of the City of Nehalem, via Highway 53, a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 1100 of Section 25, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The property owner is Diane Willis. The applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000181-PLNG Howard Reeher/ Reeher's Homestead Inc.

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the expansion of a non-conforming use involving the siting of a residential structure in a location which conforms to the dimensional standards of the zone and required riparian setbacks.  The proposed site of development is off Homestead road, a private road, and east of Reeher’s Road, also a private road.  The subject property is accessed off of the Wilson River Highway via Reeher Road and is designated as Tax Lot 800 in Section 4 of Township 1 North, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-23-000179-PLNG Johnson/Giddings/Wildflower Corp

Conditional Use Request for the construction of a public utility facility for water treatment in the residential zone of Tillamook County, located north of the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods, access off of Megan's View, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 300 in Section 7B of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The Applicant is Ben Johnson and the property owner is Barbara Giddings. 

Conditional Use Under Review
851-23-000166-PLNG Michael Rice/Case Roos

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Community of Beaver, via Blaine Road, a county-maintained road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 700 of Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). The property owner is Case Roos, and the applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000164-PLNG GC Northwest, LLC/ MJN Homebase, LLC

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary by 52.2-feet to establish a 58.8-foot setback from the southerly (rear) property line, and by 44.7-feet to establish a 25.3-foot setback from the northerly (front) property line.

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-23-000162-PLNG Duane J. Bauley

Request for Non-Conforming Minor Review approval to expand the existing non-conforming use of a motel with an interior remodel of an existing structure to remove the eating and drinking and retail uses and add three (3) additional motel units for a total of nine (9) motel units.  No exterior expansions of the structure are proposed.  The subject property is accessed via Pacific Avenue (Highway 131), is located within the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside, is zoned Commercial Oceanside (COS) and is designated as Tax Lot 5200 in Section 30BC of Township 1 South, Range 10 West

Nonconforming Review Planning Commission Hearing
851-23-000147-PLNG Ziemecki

A partition request to create two (2) parcels. Located within the Nehalem Urban Growth Boundary at Tax Lot 1300 of Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The property is zoned Nehalem Medium Density Residential (R2). The subject property is accessed via 13th Street, a City of Nehalem maintained road. The property owner an applicant are Marie & Steven Ziemecki. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000140-PLNG Astound Broadband/State of Oregon

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a utility building for communications on property located east of the City of Tillamook accessed via South Fork Road, a private road, off of Wilson River Highway, a State highway, and is designated as Tax Lot 500 in Index Section 5 of Township 1 North, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). The applicant is Astound Broadband and property owners are the State of Oregon.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000138-PLNG Leuthold/TCCA

A conditional use request for the placement and operation of Temporary Mobile Food Units, on a property within the Unincorporated Tillamook County located north of the City of Tillamook, accessed off of Highway 101 N, a state highway and designated as Tax Lot 600 in Section 18 of Township 1 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Merdian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned General Industrial (M-1). The applicant is Kimberly Beuthold and the property owner is Tillamook County Creamery Association. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000136-PLNG Trent & Kellie Davis

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of deck addition to an existing single-family dwelling near the Nehalem River. The subject property is accessed from McDonald Road, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 1400, of Section 24CB of Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) Zone.  The applicant and property owners are Trent and Kellie Davis.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-23-000131-PLNG Sheller

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary and establish 54-feet 8-inch setback to allow for the placement a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is accessed via a private easement, is located southeast of Neskowin, is zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential Zone (NeskR-1) and is designated as Tax Lot 200 in Section 26AA of Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owner is Daniel Sheller. 

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-23-000128-PLNG Martin

Conditional Use request for the construction of an accessory structure without a primary structure in the residential zone of Tillamook County, located east of Beaver, accessed off of Upper Nestucca River Road, a County Road and designated as Tax Lot 301 in Section 01 of Township 4 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owner is James P Martin. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000123-PLNG PC Transfer Station/McCall/Tillamook County

Request for conditional use approval for the repair and capacity expansion of an existing facility (Pacific City Transfer Station) for solid waste disposal and recycling, and for the siting of a storage structure for emergency supplies. Located at 38255 Brooten Road, a County road, the subject property is east f the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community, zoned Small Farm and Woodlot 20-Acre (SFW-20) and is designated as Tax Lot 2400 of Section 32A, Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing
851-23-000122-PLNG Esplin/Woodard

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels, located eastof the City of Tillamook, via Wilson River Highway, a state highway. The subject property is designated a Taxx Lot 1200 of Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) zone. The property owner is Marc Woodard. The applicant is Dallas Esplin. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000119-PLNG Rice/Cloud

A Partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the Community of Beaver, via R.O. Richards Road, a county maintained road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 502 of Section 29CA, Township 3 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). The property owner is Raymond & Vennie Cloud. The applicant is Michael Rice, PLS. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000118-PLNG Capri Architecture/Shainsky

Request for conditional use approval to amend the Planned Development Master Plan for ‘Sahhali South’. Located at off Proposal Point Drive, a private road, the subject properties are located within the Neskowin Unincorporated Community, zoned Neskowin Rural Residential (NeskRR), and designated as Tax Lots 2400 and 2500 of Section 24AB, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The Applicant is Dustin Capri of Capri Architecture. The property owners are Michael and Janice Shainsky.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-23-000107-PLNG Jones Consulting/ Elizabeth Billups & Cynthia Hathaway

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located north of the Unincorporated Community of Beaver via Highway 101 S., a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 02600 of Section 06, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20). Property owners are Elizabeth Billups and Cynthia Hathaway.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000101-PLNG Kuhn

Conditional Use request for the placement and operation of a Temporary Mobile food Unit, on a property within the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City located at 34775 Brooten road, a County road, and designated as Tax Lot 7900 in Section 19CD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Pacific City/Woods Commercial One (PCW-C1) zone. The applicant and property owner is Tyler Chasen Kuhn. 

Conditional Use Under Review
851-23-000098-PLNG Slab Creek Farms/Esplin

A partition request to create three (3) parcels on a property located southeast of the unincorporated community of Neskowin. The subject property is accessed via Slab Creek Road, a county-maintained road, which is designated as Tax Lot 200 of Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, OR. The subject property is zoned Small Farm and Woodlot 10-acre (SFW-10). The applicant is Dallas Esplin. The property owner is Slab Creek Farms Inc.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000095-PLNG Caroline Crisp/ODOT

An Estuary and Floodplain Development Permit for the replacement of existing piles for the Tillamook River Bridge on the Tillamook River along Highway 131. The applicant is Caroline Crisp of the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-23-000083-PLNG Esplin/Carver

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels, located southeast of the Incorporated City of Tillamook, accessed via Chance Road, a local access road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 500 of Section 3A, Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridin, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-acre (RR-2). The property owners are Lloyd & Sandra Carver. The applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000071-PLNG Pearson/DEA Properties-19, LLC

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request for the expansion of an existing non-conforming dwelling. The existing dwelling is a nonconforming structure in the CR-2 zone, as it does not comply with the Oceanfront Setback Line (OSL) per TCLUO Section 3.530(8).  The subject property is located at 17850 Ocean Blvd, a County road.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-23-000055-PLNG Arnold

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels, located east of the Incorporated City of Tillamook, down Trask River Road, accessed via Skyline Lane, a local access road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 900 of Section 35B, Township 1 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The property owner/applicant is Lisa and Earl Arnold. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000046-PLNG Zakrasek

A Conditional Use request for the operation of an animal daycare and boarding service operation with a maximum of five (5) dogs on site at any one time on a property within Unincorporated Tillamook County located at 1980 Skyline Drive, a County road, and designated as Tax Lot 3400 in Section 35B of Township 1 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owner is Rachel Zakrasek.

Conditional Use Appeal Period


Request for conditional use approval to convert a single-family dwelling into a two-family dwelling (duplex) together with Variance request #851-23-000125-PLNG to waive the 7,500 square foot minimum lot size requirement for uses permitted in the Residential Oceanside (ROS) Zone. Located at 1560 Chinook Avenue, a County road, the subject property is within the Oceanside Unincorporated Community, zoned Residential Oceanside (ROS) zone, and designated as Tax Lot 2600 of Section 30BB, Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing
851-23-000034-PLNG Burt/Terry Jones Consulting

A partition request to create two (2) rural commercial parcels, locates south of the Incorporated City of Tillamook, via South Prairie Road, a county maintained road, and Highway 101 South, a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 1200 of Section 8C, Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Median, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Commercial (RC). The property owner is David & Jenny Burt, and the applicant is Terry Jones Consulting.


Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000025-PLNG Nisbet

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20) zone boundary by 30-feet to establish a 70-foot setback from the easterly (rear) property line.The subject property is located at southeast of the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre and is designated as Tax Lot 3800 in Section 9CD of Township 6 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owne

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-23-000017-PLNG Fern One, LLC/Onion Peak Design Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000009-PLNG Riverview Meadows

Request for tentative subdivision plat approval of "Riverview Meadows Phase 3", a 36-Iot subdivision proposed on a property located within the City of Nehalem Urban Growth Boundary. The subject property is zoned Nehalem Medium-Density Residential (NH_Rl) and Nehalem Residential Trailer (NH_Rt). The subject property is accessed via Riverview Meadows Lane, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 3600 of Section 23B, Township 3 North, Range 1O West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Subdivision Planning Commission Hearing
851-23-000001-PLNG Chesters Real Estate, LLC/Cowan Thompson

A Conditional Use request to establish a warehouse operation for Chester’s Grocery Store on a property within Unincorporated Community of Pacific City located at 6504 Shade Street, a County road, and designated as Tax Lot 3500 in Section 19CD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Pacific City/Woods Commercial One (PCW-C1). The applicant is Ian Smith. The property owner is Chesters Real Estate, LLC/Robert Cowan Thompson.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000435-PLNG Schank/Esplin

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels, located within the Unincorporated Community of Cape Meares, via Bayocean Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 2702 of Section 7AD, Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject
property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The property owner is Karen Schank, and the applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000434-PLNG Slab, LLC/Onion Peak Design

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the unincorporated
community of Oceanside and accessed via Hillsdale Street, a county-maintained road, plus Avalon Way and Central Street, both local access roads. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 205 of Section 30CA, Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Residential Oceanside (ROS). The property owner is Slab, LLC. The applicant is Onion Peak Design.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000433-PLNG Onion Peak Design/Crist

A partition request to create two (2) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 1700 of Section 28DD, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon, on a property zoned Nehalem Medium Density Residential (NH-R2). The subject property is accessed via Tohl Avenue, a County maintained road. The owner is Michael and Sue Crist. The applicant is Onion Peak Design. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000419-PLNG Wald/Waldron

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located northeast of the Incorporated
City of Garibaldi, via New Miami River Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 100 of Section 02, Township 1 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The property owner is Richard Wald, and the applicant is Don Wallace.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000418-PLNG Slavens

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot rear yard setback to a fifteen (15) foot rear yard setback, in conjunction with an exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary to 20-feet setback, to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling).

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000405-PLNG Carlton/Hat Girl LLC

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement 100 cubic-yards of fill to level a parking lot in the Floodway. The subject property is located at 34920 Brooten Road, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 7800, of Section 19CC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Community Commercial (PCW-C2) Zone and the Flood Hazard (FH) Overlay.  The applicant is Sean Carlton and property owners are Hat Girl LLC.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-22-000402-PLNG Tillamook County

Legislative text amendment request to amend Article 5: Special Use Standards and Exceptions of the Tillamook County Land Use Ordinance (TCLUO) to include Section 5.110 to establish use and development standards for construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on residentially zoned properties located within Tillamook County Unincorporated Communities. 

Ordinance Amendment Appeal Period
851-22-000400-PLNG Netarts-Oceanside Fire District/Netarts-Oceanside Sanitary District

A Conditional Use request for the installation of a communication tower on property located east of the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside at 1755 Cape Meares Loop, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 501 in Section 30 of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Forest (F). The applicant is the Netarts-Oceanside Fire District and property owners are Netarts-Oceanside Sanitary District.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000384-PLNG David and Angie Kunert

A Conditional Use Request to establish a learning/tutoring center not to exceed 12 students at any given time (private school) property located on a property within Unincorporated Tillamook County at 8500 Burbank Road, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 102 in Section 10CC of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owners are David and Angie Kunert.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000380-PLNG Leahy

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the construction of a dwelling on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH) Zone. The subject property is located at the corner of Breakers Blvd and Amity Ave, both County roads, and designated as Tax Lot 5400 of Section 25CB in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period

Seabreeze Associates

A partition request for two (2) residential parcels. Located south of the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin and accessed via Seasand Circle, a private road. The subject properties are made part of the partition and property line adjustment proposal are designated as Tax Lots 223, 219 and 220 of Section 36BC, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject properties are zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1). Tax Lot 220 holds a portion of Zoning under Small Farm Woodlot (SFW-20) zone.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000374-PLNG McCann/Onion Peak Design

A partition request to create two (2) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 2900 of Section 28, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Medium Density Residential (NH-R1). The subject property is accesed via Highway 101 North, a state highway. The owner is William and Barbara McCann. The applicant is Onion Peak Design. 

Partition Appeal Period

AMCS LLC/Astound/Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp

Consolidated review of a Conditional Use request and Floodplain Development Permit request for the installation of a utility (submarine fiber optic cable) on a property accessed via WiNeMa Road, a County Road, north of the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin addressed as 5195 WiNeMa Road, Cloverdale, Oregon.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000368-PLNG Michael Borough/Dallas Esplin

A partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located north of the Incorporated City of Tillamook, via Highway 101 North, a state highway as well as Suppress Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 1401 of Section 13D, Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook COunty, Oregon. The subject property is zoned General Industrial (M-1). Property owneris Michael Borough and applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Notice of Application
851-22-000358-PLNG Nehalem Point Inc.

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 200 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian on a property zoned Nehalem Low-density Residential (NH-RL) with area part of Tillamook County Recreational Management (RM) zone and Estuary Natural (EN) zone. Proposed Parcel 1 is accessed via Bay View Drive and Propoed Parcels 2 and 3 are accessed via Nehalem Point Drive, both private roads. The applicant and property owner is Nehalem Point, Inc. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000357-PLNG K&L Custom Construction/John Hammond

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the replacement of an existing non-conforming manufactured dwelling with a new manufactured dwelling. The existing dwelling is a nonconforming use in the RR-2 zone, as there are two (2) dwellings on the subject property.  The subject property is located at 22725 Hwy 101 S, a State highway.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-22-000353-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc.

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 202 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian on a property primarily zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL) with area part of Tillamook County Recreational Management zone (RM) and Estuary Natural (EN) zone. The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Drive, a private road. The aplicant and property owner is Nehalem Point, Inc. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000339-PLNG Leo & Mary Krick

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary to 45-feet, and establish a 15-foot front yard setback to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling).

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-22-000338-PLNG Pedersen/Green Toaster LLC

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the expansion of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling, with the addition of second story and decks. The existing dwelling is a nonconforming use in the Recreation Management (RM) zone.  The subject property is located at 27500 Hwy 101 North, a State highway. The subject property is located north of the City of Rockaway Beach and is designated as Tax Lot 104 in Section 17 of Township 2 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-22-000334-PLNG Sam & Jennifer Mankins

A Conditional Use request to permit an existing communication tower installed on the subject property. Located in the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community Boundary, the subject property is located at 6350 Fisher Avenue, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 5600 in Section 30BA of Township 4 South Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Pacific City/Woods Neighborhood Commercial (PCW-C1) and is located within the Flood Hazard Overlay. Applicants and property owners are Sam and Jennifer Mankins.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000334-PLNG Sam & Jennifer Mankins

A Conditional Use request to permit an existing communication tower installed on the subject property. Located in the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community Boundary, the subject property is located at 6350 Fisher Avenue, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 5600 in Section 30BA of Township 4 South Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Pacific City/Woods Neighborhood Commercial (PCW-C1) and is located within the Flood Hazard Overlay. Applicants and property owners are Sam and Jennifer Mankins.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-22-000330-PLNG L&C TRS, LLC / ESPLIN

Partition request to create a 10.15 acre parcel to be annexed into the City of Rockaway Beach in accordance with approved Zone Change/Map Amendment request #851-21-000069-PLNG, a request for the expansion of the City of Rockaway Beach Urban Growth Boundary to accommodate approximately 10.15 acres of Forest (F) zoned land to Rockaway Beach Public Facilities (PF) Zone for future relocation of the City of Rockaway Beach’s critical facilities outside of the Tsunami Hazard Overlay Zone.  The subject property (parent parcel) is accessed via 3rd Ave.

Partition Appeal Period

The Nature Conservancy

Consolidated review of a Floodway/Estuary/Floodplain Development Permit and Conditional Use Request for a wetland restoration project. The subject property is zoned Estuary Natural (EN), Estuary Conservation 1 (EC1) and Farm (F-1), is partially located within the Shoreland Overlay zone and lies entirely within the Flood Hazard Overlay zone.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000320-PLNG GP Equity Holdings, LLC

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located southeast of the Unincorporated Community of Hebo, via Highway 22., a State Highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 800 of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). Property owner and applicant is GP Equity Holdings, LLC.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000305-PLNG Anson Griffin

A Conditional Use Request for the placement of a recreational vehicle, along with siting an accessory without an onsite primary structure on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County accessed off Trask River Road, a County road, and i designated as Tax Lot 109 in Section 25B of Township 1 South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owner is Anson Griffin. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000303-PLNG Dave and Kim Baertlein

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary and establish a 33-foot setback to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is accessed via Hurliman Hill Road, a private forest road, is located southeast of the City of Tillamook, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre and is designated as Tax Lot 901 in Section 22 of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook Coun

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-22-000290-PLNG Chris Nestlerode/Kathy McNaughton

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the replacement and expnsion of a front yard deck and porch cover addition while maintaining the existing 3-foot, 1-inch front yard setback. The subject property is located at 4415 McMinnville Avenue, a County road. The subject property is located within the Neskowin Unincorporated Community and is designated as Tax Lot 2900 in Section25CC of Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Neskowin High Density Urban Residential (NeskR-3). Applicant is Chris Nestlerode.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-22-000286-PLNG R3 Coastal LLC

Review of a Conditional Use request for the expansion of an existing recreational campground on a property accessed via Third Street, a State highway, west of the City of Tillamook addressed as 85 Third Street, Tillamook, Oregon.  The subject property is zoned Rural Commercial (RC), is also within the Flood Hazard Overlay (FH) zone, Shoreland Overlay (SH) zone, Estuary Conservation 1 (EC1) zone and Freshwater Wetlands Overlay (FW) zone.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000283-PLNG Lester Mills

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Small Farm and Woodlot 20-Acre (SFW-20) zone boundary for the construction of a 24-foot by 24-foot addition to an existing dwelling, establishing a 46-foot setback from the southeast corner of the addition and a 36-foot setback from the northeast corner of the addition to the easterly property line.

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period

Rachel Zakrasek

851-22-000282-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the operation of a one (1) bedroom bed and breakfast enterprise within an existing single-family dwelling.

851-22-000281-PLNG: A Conditional Use request for the operation of an animal daycare and boarding service operation.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000267-PLNG Stephen Weeks/Rob McGlynn

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front yard setback to 11-feet and to exceed the 35-foot height maximum by 6-feet for a maximum building height of 41-feet as measured from existing, pre-construction grade. Located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin, the subject property is Lot 57 of Sahhali Shores, is accessed via Haystack Drive, a private road, is zoned Neskowin Rural Residential (NeskRR) and designated as Tax lot 2900 of Section 13DB of Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Stephen Weeks.

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000262-PLNG Rick DeFerrari

An exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Sandlake Estuary to 30-feet to allow the replacement of an existing accessory structure (garage/shop) within the same building footprint.  The subject property is located at 24800 Sandlake Road, a County Road, and is located north of Tierra Del Mar, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated at Tax Lot 1200 in Section 29 of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The applicant and property owner is Rick DeFerrari.

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-22-000261-PLNG Chris Mackin

An exception request to reduce the required 50-ft riparian setback from the Trask River 26-feet and establish a 24-foot riparian setback, together with a request to reduce the required 100-foot setback from the Small Farm and Woodlot 20-Acre (SFW-20) zone boundary to 24-feet to allow for the construction of a single-family dwelling.

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-22-000253-PLNG Terry Jones/James Keith

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located north of the Unincorporated Community of Beaver, via Highway 101 S, a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 700 of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). Property owner is James Keith and Applicant is Terry Jones. 

Partition Notice of Application
851-22-000252-PLNG Richardson/Jones Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000245-PLNG Jesse Denning

Conditional Use request for the construction of an accessory structure without an onsite primary structure in an area of unincorporated Tillamook County, northwest of the City of Nehalem. Accessed via Highway 53, a State Highway, the subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 923 in Section 13 of Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owner is Jesse Denning.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000239-PLNG Debbie Whitaker

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for an addition to an existing single-family dwelling near the Nestucca River and within the Nestucca River Floodway.  The subject property is accessed from via Brooten Road, a County road, is located at 34080 Brooten Road and is designated as Tax Lot 5703, of Section 19AC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Low Density Residential (PCW-R1) Zone and Flood Hazard Overlay Zone.  The applicant and property owner is Debbie Whitaker.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-22-000237-PLNG Case Roos/MIchael Rice

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Community of
Beaver, via Blaine Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 702 of Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). Property owner is Case Roos and applicant is Michael Rice.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000234-PLNG David Wilks Jr/Chris Wilks

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located southeast of the City of Tillamook.  Accessed via Burbank Road, a County road, the subject property is designated as Tax Lot 902 of Section 15B, Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). Property owner is David Wilks Jr. and applicant is Chris Wilks.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000224-PLNG Oceanside Unincorporated Community

Petition for the incorporation of the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside and the creation of the City of Oceanside. Petition includes a new tax rate for properties within the proposed city limits of the City of Oceanside at 80 cents ($.80) per one-thousand dollars ($1,000). Properties proposed to be included in the city limits for the City of Oceanside include all properties currently within the Oceanside Unincorporated Boundary. 


View the previous application, #851-21-000449-PLNG, here. 

BoCC Hearing
851-22-000213-PLNG Sharon & Perry Reeder

A Conditional Use Request to site a single-family dwelling and establish boat storage on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is accessed via Bayocean Road, a County Road, and is designated as Tax Lot 1700 in Section 26 of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is Zoned Rural Commercial (RC). The applicant and property owners are Sharon and Perry Reeder.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000198-PLNG John & Noelle Shachter/Ryan Chandler

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front yard setback to a (zero) 0-foot front yard setback for the construction of a parking structure (parking deck) to accommodate County required parking standards and to allow access to a future dwelling.  Variance would also allow the dwelling to maintain a 10-foot front yard setback from the property line abutting Dana Lane Court.  The subject property is located in the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods, zoned Pacific City/Woods Low Density Residential (PCW-R1) and designated as Tax Lot 1403 of S

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000196-PLNG Robert Hakes

A request to construct a duplex on a property located in the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside. The subject property is accessed via Highland Drive, a local access road, is zoned Residential Oceanside (ROS) and is designated as Tax Lot 202 in Section 30DC of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owner is Robert Hakes.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000171-PLNG Fawn Richardson/Charmaine Klein

A Variance request to reduce the required six (6) foot distance between buildings to four (4) feet for the construction of new carport.  The subject property is located at 25700 Tyee Road, a private road, zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and designated as Tax Lot 200 of Section 31BC, Township 3 South, Range 9 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Charmain Klein. The property owner is Fawn Richardson

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000164-PLNG Tom Golden/ Todd Pearson

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the expansion of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling, with the addition of a deck and living space to be placed at 8-ft 2-in from the westerly property line. The existing dwelling maintains non-conforming setbacks and is a non-conforming structure.  The subject property is located at 47520 Hillcrest Drive, a County road.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-22-000159-PLNG Elizabeth Britt

A Variance request for relief to the location standards outlined in Chapter 157.275(A) to allow the alteration of an existing accessory structure (garage) to include an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). The existing accessory structure (garage) does not meet siting standards for a free-standing ADU as outlined  in Chapter 157.0275(A).

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000154-PLNG David Sears

Request for Conditional Use approval for development of a 4-site primitive campground on a property zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) located east of Tierra Del Mar and north of the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods. The subject property is accessed via Sandlake Road, a County road, and designated at Tax Lot 3401 of Section 1DD, Township 4 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. 

Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing
851-22-000152-PLNG Jason Hieter

An exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Miami River to 25-feet, to allow for the replacement of a retaining wall. The subject property is accessed via Miami Foley Road, a County road, is split zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and Farm (F-1) and is designated as Tax Lot 503 in Section 14 of Township 1 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owner are Justin Hieter.

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-22-000151-PLNG Ronald Coulter/David Coulter

A Nonconforming Major Review request for a remodel and expansion of a non-conforming single-family dwelling.  The subject property is located at 35465 Rueppell Road, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 4800 in Section 30BD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Airpark (PCW-AP) Zone.  The applicant is Ronald Coulter. The property owner is David Coulter.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-22-000147-PLNG Port of Tillamook/Terry Jones

A partition request to create two (2) parcels. Located southeast of the Incorporated City of Tillamook, via Long Prairie Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 600 of Section 04, Township 2 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned General Industrial (M-1). Property owner is Port of Tillamook Bay and applicant is Terry Jones.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000143-PLNG Stearns

A Conditional Use Request to establish a two (2) bedroom Bed & Breakfast Enterprise on a property located within the Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is located at 13475 Trask River Road, a County road, and is designated at Tax Lot 1600 in Section 36D, Township 1 South, Range 9 West, W.M., Tillamok County, Oregon. The property is zoned Rural Residential 2-acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owners are Royal and LaDonna Stearns.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000142-PLNG Dallas Esplin/Beaver Community Church

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the Community of Beaver, via Bunn Creek Road, a County road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 400 of Section 30DA, Township 3 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single Family Residential (CSFR). Property owner is Beaver Community Church and applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000139-PLNG Terri Warren

A Variance request to reuce the required 30-foot front and rear combination setback to a (zero) 0-foot front yard setback and to further reduce the 50% lot coverage allowance for the construction of new stairs to provide egress to the existing single-family dwelling. The new stairs along with a retaining wall to replace the existing rock wall will be located 4-feet into Aster Street road right-of-way, approved by the Tillamook County Public Works Department (Permit #5563). The subject property is located in the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside  at 5480 Aster Street, a County r

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000138-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc.

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 200 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL), in addition to, Tillamook County Recreational Management Zone (RM) and Estuary Natural Zone (EN). The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Dr., a private road.  The applicant and owner is Nehalem Point, Inc.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000124-PLNG Tillamook County

Review of an Estuary/Floodplain Development Permit to perform maintenance activities at the Memaloose Boat Ramp, a Tillamook County Parks Department recreation facility.

Estuary Development Permit Notice of Application
851-22-000117-PLNG Esplin/Klausen

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located northwest of the Incorporated City of Tillamook, via Makinster Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 1901 of Section 13D, Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). Property owner is Frank Klausen and applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000107-PLNG Lisa Macy-Baker/Oregon Treehouse Partners LLC


Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000104-PLNG Chris Nestlerode/Derek Dollahite

A Non-conforming Minor Review request to allow the alteration of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling. The existing dwelling is located within the 100-ft resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary and is a non-conforming structure. The subject property is located at 5355 South Fairway Raod, a County road. The subject property is located within the Neskowin Unincorporated Community and is designated as Tax Lot 4100 in Section 36AB of Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook county, Oregon.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-22-000094-PLNG Daen Wombwell & Grace Barnard

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front yard setback to an eight (8) foot front yard setback for the construction of a new single-family dwelling. The subject property is located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin accessed via South Beach Road, a private road, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) Zone and designated as Tax Lot 4800 of Section 35DA, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Jake Weber of GSW Architects.

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000068-PLNG Pelican Brewing Company/Tillamook County

A foredune grading permit review to grade the existing Foredune within Unit A of the Pacific City Foredune Management Area accessed via Cape Kiwanda Drive, a County road, and the Cape Kiwanda Parking Lot within the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community Growth Boundary. The subject properties are designated as Tax Lots 1500, 1600, and 2000 in Section 24AA located in Township 4 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. Pelican Brewing Company and Tillamook County are the property owners. Pelican Brewing Company is the applicant.

Foredune Grading Notice of Application
851-22-000067-PLNG Waylon & Sandra Porter

A Conditional Use request for a home occupation, specifically a bakery in an existing accessory structure on the subject property.  The subject property is located at 27854 Highway 101 South, a State highway, and is designated as Tax Lot 500 in Section 1A of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is zoned Farm (F-1).  The applicant and property owner are Waylon and Sandra Porter.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-22-000063-PLNG David Feinblum

A Variance request to reduce the required 30-foot front and rear yard combination setback to a (zero) 0-foot front yard setback and to further reduce the 50% lot coverage allowance for the expansion of an existing deck on a property developed with a single-family dwelling located in the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside. Existing side and rear yard setbacks are unaffected.

Variance Appeal Period
851-22-000049-PLNG Perrine

An exception request to reduce the required 100-ft resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary to establish a 20-ft front yard setback to allow for the placement of a residential structure (single-family dwelling). The subject property is accessed via Kilchis Forest Road, a private forest road, is located east of the City of Bay City, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 602 in Section 32 of Township 1 North, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owner is Michael Perrine. 

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-22-000046-PLNG Onion Peak Design/Rusth

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the unincorporated community of Neah-Kah-Nie via Nehalem Road, a County road. The subject property is designated at Tax Lot 600 of Section 20DC, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential Zone (NK-7.5). Property owner is Miles D. Rusth. Applicant is Onion Peak Design. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000042-PLNG Esplin/Mugge

A partition request to rectify a land division initially completed by deed to create two (2) residential parcels identified as Tax Lot 214 and Tax Lot 223 of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. Located within the unincorporated community of Neskowin, accessedvia South Beach Road, a private road. The subject properties are zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR1). Property owner is Clint Mugge and the applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period
851-22-000041-PLNG Brian and Julie Bucknam

A Conditional Use Request to utilize a recreational vehicle on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is accessed via Martin Avenue, a local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 609 in Section 5 of Township 2 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is Zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). The applicant and property owners are Brian and Julie Bucknam.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-22-000034-PLNG Esplin/Henley

A partition request of a residential property to create two (2) residential parcels each improved with an existing single-family dwelling. Located at Tax Lot 1000 of Section 28B, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a proeprty zoned Nehalem Residential Trailer (RT). The subject property is accessed via Pacific Heights Court, a private road. The owner is Diane Henley, and the applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period


A partition request for three (3) residential parcels. Located southeast of the Incorporated City of Tillamook and accessed via Trask River Road, a County road. The subject properties made part of the partition and property line adjustment proposal are designated as Tax Lots 00700 and 00701 of Section 36D, Township 1 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential (RR-2). Property owner is Denis Schmitz. The applicant is Dallas Esplin.

Partition Appeal Period
851-23-000019-PLNG Lohr

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Farm (F-1) zone boundary by 80-feet to establish a 20-foot setback from the southeasterly (rear) property line. The subject property is located at north of the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre and is designated as Tax Lot 1100 in Section 29 of Township 3 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owners are Jef

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period


A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a proposed single-family dwelling near the Nestucca River. Together, with an exception request #851-22-000014-PLNG, to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Nestucca River to 28.2-feet to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period

La Contrada, LLC/Onion Peak Design

A partition request to create two (2) residential properties together with a property line adjustment. Located within the Neah-Kah-Nie Unincorporated Community. The subject properties are accessed via a private easement identified as Via Del Fino, a private road.

Partition Appeal Period

La Contrada LLC/Onion Peak Design

A partition request to create two (2) residential properties together with a property line adjust. Located within the Neah-Kah-Nie Unincorporated Community. The subject property is accessed via a private easement identified as Via Bella Vista, a private road.

Partition Appeal Period

Richard Boyles

Request for replat of a subdivision plat approval for a portion of “Sahhali South” together with Conditional Use request #851-22-000003-PLNG-01, to amend the Planned Development Master Plan, on a property accessed off Highway 101 South, a state highway, through Heron View Drive and Proposal Point Drive, private roads, and located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin.  The subject property is zoned Neskowin Rural Residential zone (NeskRR) and is designated as Tax Lots 1300, 1301, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 4600, 4700, 4800, 4801 and 5900 of Section 24AB, Township 5 South, Ran

851-21-000449-PLNG Oceanside Unincorporated Community

#851-21-000449-PLNG: Petition for Oceanside Incorporation

Petition for the incorporation of the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside and the creation of the City of Oceanside. Petition includes a new tax rate for properties within the proposed city limits of the City of Oceanside at 80 cents ($ 0.80) per one-thousand dollars ($1,000). Properties proposed to be included in the city limits for the City of Oceanside include all properties currently within the Oceanside Unincorporated Community Boundary with the exception of those properties located within “The Capes” development.

BoCC Hearing
851-21-000446-PLNG Esplin/Slab Creek Farms

A partition request to create three (3) parcels on a property located east of the unincorporated community of Neskowin. The subject property is accessed via Slab Creek Road, a County Road, and is designated as Tax Lot 200 of Section 5, in Township 6 South, Range 10 West W.M. The applicant is Dallas Esplin. The property owner is Slab Creek Farms Inc. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-1-000444-PLNG Nestucca Ridge Development

An exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Estuary Conservation (EC1) zone to 20-feet. The subject property is located within the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community, is zoned Pacific City/Woods High Density Residential (PCW-R3) zone and Estuary Conservation (EC1) due to its location lying adjacent to a Nestucca River slough. The subject property is accessed via Brooten Road, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 100 in Section 30BD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period


Tillamook County

The Tillamook County Department of Community Development is making efforts to update the coastal planning program and these efforts are now reflected in a series of proposed amendments to the Tillamook County Land Use Ordinance (TCLUO) and Tillamook County Comprehensive Plan. Updates include legislative text amendments to TCLUO Section 3.510: Flood Hazard Overlay (FH) Zone, TCLUO Section 3.530: Beach and Dune Overlay (BD) Zone, TCLUO Section 4.130: Development Requirements for Geologic Hazard Areas and TCLUO Article 11: Definitions.

Ordinance Amendment Appeal Period
851-21-000432-PLNG Nehalem Bay Wastewater Agency

Review of a Floodway/Estuary/Floodplain Development Permit to perform maintenance activities (including placement of fill) on the levee separating the Nehalem Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant along the east bank of the Nehalem River.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-21-000427-PLNG Tillamook County

Ordinance Amendment request to the Goal 10 Housing Element of the Tillamook County Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the December 27, 2019, Tillamook County Housing Needs Analysis completed by the Tillamook County Housing Commission.



Ordinance Amendment Planning Commission Hearing
851-21-000418-PLNG Paul Kirschner

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from the Forest (F) zone boundary along the south (rear yard) of the subject property to allow for the placement of a residential dwelling. The resource zone setback reduction shall result in  20-foot rear an front yard setback, and side-yard setbacks of not less than 5-feet each as indicated on the proposed site plan. 


Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-21-000416-PLNG Oregon Treehouse Partners LLC

Request for Conditional Use approval for a 19-site recreational campground on an approximately 18-acre portion of a 58.51-acre parcel accessed via Floyd Avenue, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 600 of Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The proposed campground is within Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) zoned land, with the subject property split zoned RR-2 and Small Farm and Woodlot-20 (SFW-20). The Property Owner and Applicant is Oregon Treehouse Partners LLC.


Conditional Use Planning Commission Hearing

Sheldon Development, Inc

Request for tentative subdivision plat approval of  "Riverview Meadows Phase 2", a 38-lot subdivision proposed on a property located within the City of Nehalem Urban Growth Boundary together with Geologic Hazard Report for Riverview Meadows Phase 2, #851-21-000414-PLNG. The subject property is zoned Nehalem Medium-Density Residential (R1) and Nehalem Residential Trailer (RT). The subject property is accessed via Riverview Meadows Lane, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 3600 of Section 23B, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. 

Subdivision Appeal Period
851-21-000410-PLNG John Grimm/ High Heaven Investment, Inc.

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the Unincorporated City of Beaver, via Highway 101 S., a state highway, and Blaine Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 900 of Section 29BC, Township 3 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian Tillamook County Oregon, and Tax Lot 700 of Section 29CB, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Community Single-Family Residential (CSFR) Zone. Property owner is High Heaven Investment, Inc.

Partition Appeal Period
851-21-000393-PLNG Fred Rusina

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the construction of a deck on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH) Zone. The subject property is located at 45740 Kinnikinnick Drive, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 1900 of Section 24BD in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period
851-21-000386-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc.

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 202 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL), in addition to, Tillamook County Recreational Management Zone (RM) and Estuary Natural Zone (EN). The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Dr., a private road.  The applicant and owner is Nehalem Point, Inc.

Partition Appeal Period
851-21-000385-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc.

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 201 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL), in addition to, Tillamook County Recreational Management Zone (RM) and Estuary Natural Zone (EN). The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Dr., a private road.  The applicant and owner is Nehalem Point, Inc. 

Partition Appeal Period
851-21-000384-PLNG Habitat for Humanity

A Conditional Use Request to establish a Single Family Dwelling on a property located within Unincorporated Hebo Community of Tillamook County. The subject property is located at 31305 HWY 101 S, a State Highway, and is designated as Tax Lot 1100 in Section 13BB of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The Tax Lot is Zoned Community Commercial Zone (CC). The applicant and property owner is Tillamook County Habitat for Humanity.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000378-PLNG Crystal DeFusco/Steven Hessick

A Conditional Use Request to establish a one (1) bedroom Bed & Breakfast enterprise on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is located at 720 Wolf Creek Rd, a local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 103 in Section 25 of Township 1 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The Tax Lot is Zoned Rural Residential 2 Acre. The applicant is Crystal DeFusco and property owner is Steven Hessick.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000371-PLNG Nichole Hendricks

A Conditional Use request to establish a one (1) bedroom Bed & Breakfast enterprise on a property located within the Unincorporated Community of Netarts. The subject property is located at 4845 John R St, a local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 7105 in Section 5BA of Township 2 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owner is Nichole Hendricks. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000366-PLNG Hunter/Dogotch/Moriarty/Lydegraf

An appeal of the Planning Director' s decision to approve Exception request #821-21-000076-PLNG to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Nestucca River to 30-feet at the closest point to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling. Located within the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community and accessed from Nestucca Boulevard, a County road, the subject property is designated as Tax Lot 12300 in Section 19CB of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Resource / Riparian Exception Planning Commission Hearing

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located north of the Unincorporated Community of Beaver via Highway 101 S., a state highway. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 02600 of Section 06, Township 3 South, Range 09 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Small Farm and Woodlot (SFW-20). Property owners are Charles Evens, Theresa Watters, Elizabeth Billups, and Cynthia Hathaway.

Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000362-PLNG Peter & Christina Parks

: A Variance request to replace an existing deck with a new deck within the existing deck footprint while maintaining the existing 6-foot rear yard setback.  The subject property is located in the Cape Meares community at 5430 3rd Street NW, a County road, zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 8800 in Section 7CA of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  Applicant/Property Owners are Peter & Christina Parks.

Variance Appeal Period
851-21-000340-PLNG Robert & Vivian Weber

A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the alteration of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling to add a breezeway from the residence to the garage and raising the garage roof by two (2) feet. The subject property is located at 237 University Ave., located on University Avenue, a City of Manzanita road. The subject property is located within the Neahkahnie Unincorporated Community and is designated as Tax Lot 9000 in Section 20CD of Township 3 North, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-21-000331-PLNG Onion Peak Design/Byron & Vicki Melton

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located within the unincorporated community of NeahKahNie via Nehalem Road, a County road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 1200 of Section 20DC, Township 3 North, Range 10 West of te Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential Zone (NK-7.5, NK-15, NK-30). Property owners are Byron and Vicki Melton. Applicant is Onion Peak Design. 

Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000329-PLNG Maureen Bayer

A Conditional Use request to site an Accessory Structure without an onsite primary structure on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is located at 5850 Ninth Street, a local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 5600 in Section 7AC of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant and property owner is Maureen Bayer. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000321-PLNG Ronald Coulter/David Coulter

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a proposed single-family dwelling addition near the Nestucca River. The subject property is accessed from Rueppell Avenue, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 4800, of Section 30BD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Airpark (PCW-AP) Zone.  The applicant is Ronald Coulter. The property owner is David Coulter

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-21-000320-PLNG Jody Hamburger/Linda Lepin

A Variance request to reduce require 20 foot side-yard setback to 10-feet for the replacement of an existing struture (dwelling) on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is located at 7815 Rocky Road, a private road, and is designated as Tax Lot 206 in Section 17 of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Jody Hamburer. The proprty owner is Linda L. Lepin. 

Variance Notice of Application
851-21-000312-PLNG Michael & Claressa Bauer

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot front-yard setback to seven feet six inches (7'6") for construction of a single-family dwelling on a property location in the Unincoporated Communiy of Neskowin. The subject property is accessed via Sheridan Ave., a County road, is zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (Nesk R-1) and is designated as Tax Lot 4200 of Section 25, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicants and property owners are Michael and Claressa Bauer.

Variance Appeal Period
851-21-000309-PLNG Bill Hughes/Avalon Heights LLC

“Second Addition to Avalon Heights” also referred to as “Cougar Ridge Subdivision”, a 58-lot subdivision on a property located within the Unincorporated Community of Oceanside.  The purpose of the public hearing on May 31, 2023, is for discussion and consideration by the Board of County Commissioners to amend the adopted Conditions of Approval to incorporate a phasing schedule for final plat approval of Phases 1-3 of the tentatively approved subdivi

Subdivision BoCC Hearing
851-21-000305-PLNG Joseph & Dana Hulbert

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels. Located outside the unincorporated community of Pacific City/Woods via Reddekopp Road, a local access road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 804 of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2). 

Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000300-PLNG Dallas Esplin-Bayside Surveying/ Shawn MacDonald

A partition request to create three (3) residential parcels. Located within the unincorporated community of Pacific City/Woods and potentially accessed via Ridge Road and/or Park Lane, county local access roads. The subject property is designated as Tax Lots 5200 & 5300 of Section 13D, Township 4 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject properties are zoned Pacific City / Woods Low Density Residential (PCW-R1). Property owner is Shawn MacDonald. Applicant is Dallas Esplin, Bayside Surveying.

Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000296-PLNG David & Shirley Kavanaugh

A Variance request to reduce the required 15-foot street-side yard setback to 8-feet for the construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located in the Unincorporated Community of Neahkahnie. The subject property is accessed via Beeswax Trail, a County road, is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential (NK-15) and is designated as Tax Lot 2401 of Section 20CB, Township 3 North, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicants and property owners are David and Shirley Kavanaugh. 

Variance Appeal Period


Kingfisher Holdings LLC/Mary Jones

Request for preliminary subdivision plat approval of a 4-lot subdivision with Tract A identified as “Fern Hill” together with Variance request #851-21-000294-PLNG and Geologic Hazard Report #851-21-000302-PLNG on a property located accessed via Resort Drive, a County road, and located southeast of the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods.  The subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 202 of Section 32A, Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The Property Owner is Kingfisher Holdings LLC.

Variance Planning Commission Hearing
851-21-000288-PLNG Michael Wise

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a single-family dwelling. The subject property is accessed from Resort Drive, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 5902, of Section 19AC of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) Zone.  The applicant and property owner is Michael Wise.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-21-000283-PLNG Dustin Capri/Dan & Christina McMillan

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH)  Zone. The subject property is accessed via Surf Road and designated as Tax Lot 2000 of Section 36BC in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period
851-21-000254-PLNG Samantha Tran

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH)  Zone. The subject property is accessed via Sea Ridge Lane, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 3500 of Section 35DA in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period
851-21-000244-PLNG Lynne & Andrew Saxton

A Variance request to reduce the 70% side-width maximum for construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin. The subject property is accessed via Kinnikinnick Drive,a private road, is zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and is designated as Tax Lot 3500 of Section 24BD, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicants and property owners are Lynne and Hume Saxton.

Variance Appeal Period
851-21-000231-PLNG Brandon Giovanni & Gabriene Beaujue

A Conditional Use Request to establish a one (1) bedroom Bed & Breakfast enterprise on a property located within Unincorporated Tillamook County. The subject property is located at 5050 Hilltop Lane, a local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 2100 in Section 36AB of Township 5 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The Tax Lot is Zoned Rural The applicant  and property owner is Brandon Giovanni and Gabrielle Beaujeu.

Conditional Use Appeal Period

Jeff Gunness

851-21-000230-PLNG: A review of a Floodway Development Permit for expansion to add an exterior staircase and elevate the existing dwelling together, with a Non-Conforming Minor Review #851-21-000195-PLNG. The subject property is accessed from Resort Drive, a County Road, and is designated as Tax Lot 400, of Section 19AD of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. The property is located in the Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) Zone.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-21-000225-PLNG Steven Stelzig

Conditional Use request for a Cottage Industry for the operation of a commercial kitchen to support an off-site food cart on a property located in the South Prairie area of unincorporated Tillamook County, south of the City of Tillamook. Located at 4740 Brickyard Road, a County, the subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 408 in Section 10B of Township 2 South, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owner is Steven Stelzig.  

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000223-PLNG David Sears

Conditional Use request for the placement of a dock and storage shed on a property within the Tierra Del Mar Community. Located north of the Unincorporated Community of Pacific City/Woods, the subject property is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) with the Shoreland Overlay (SH) Zone and is designated as Tax Lot 3401 in Section 1DD of Township 4 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owner is David Sears. 

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000218-PLNG Peter Ballman/Wolves Above LLC

A Variance request to expand the required 24-foot height requirement to 35-feet for the construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located in the Unincorporated Community of Neahkahnie. The subject property is accessed via Twana Trace Rd, a private road, zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential (NK-15) and designated as Tax Lot 1700 of Section 20BB, Township 3 North, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Peter Ballman. The property owner is Wolves Above LLC.

Variance Notice of Application
851-21-000213-PLNG Manuel Aguiar

A Conditional Use request for the placement of a dwelling not in conjunction with a farm use.  Accessed via Moss Creek Road, a County road, the subject property is designated as Tax Lot 300 of Section 14, Township 1 North, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon.  The subject property is zoned Farm (F-1).  The Applicant and Property Owner is Manuel Aguiar.

Conditional Use Appeal Period
851-21-000212-PLNG Damien Miller

An Estuary Development Permit for aquaculture/oyster farming activities on leased area within Tillamook Bay. The subject property is zoned Estuary Conservation (EC1) and Estuary Natural (EN). The property is 57.55 acres in the Tillamook Bay. The Applicant is Damon Miller. Juristictional Authority includes Oregon Department of Agricultureeeee, Oregon Department of State Lands, Oregon Department of Land Conservation & Development and the United State Army Corps of Engineers.

Estuary Development Permit Appeal Period
851-21-000209-PLNG Manuel & Catherine Aguiar

A partition request to create two (2) residential parcels.  Located east of the Incorporated Community of Garibaldi via Miami River Road, a county road. The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 300 of Section 14, Township 1 North, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Farm (F-1). Property owners are Manuel & Catherine Aguiar.


Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000196-PLNG Nehalem Point, Inc.

A Partition request to create two (2) parcels. Located at Tax Lot 201 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 10 West on a property zoned Nehalem Low-Density Residential (NH-RL), in addition to, Tillamook County Recreational Management Zone (RM) and Estuary Natural Zone (EN). The subject property is accessed via Nehalem Point Dr., a private road.  The applicant and owner is Nehalem Point, Inc. 

Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000194-PLNG Macy/Sportcamp Inc.

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a single-family dwelling on a property located north-east of City of Nehalem on the south side of the Nehalem River where the north and south fork of the river meet. The subject property is accessed via Tohl Ranch Road, a private road, is zoned Rural Residential 2-Acre (RR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 1002 of Section 23, Township 3 North, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Kirk Macy. The property owner is Sportscamp Inc. 

Floodplain Development Permit Under Review
851-21-000151-PLNG Creekside Homes/ Teri Bocko & Dan Heber

An exception request to reduce the required 100-foot resource zone setback from Forest (F) zone boundary by 80-feet to establish a 20-foot resource zone setback (rear yard southerly setback line) to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling.  The subject property is located within the Neskowin Unincorporated Community, is accessed from Hilltop Lane, a local access road, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and is designated as Tax Lot 3700 in Section 36AB of Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  Applicant is Creekside Hom

Resource / Riparian Exception Notice of Application
851-21-000133-PLNG Misty Wharton, District Superintendent/Nestucca Valley School District

A Conditional Use request for construction of a public park to include high school baseball and softball fields as well as an open play area for the Cloverdale Grade School K-8 campus. Located south of the Unincorporated Community of Cloverdale and part of the Cloverdale K-8 Grade School campus at 36925 Highway 101 South, the subject property is designated as Tax Lot 800 in Section 34 of Township 4 South, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant is Misty Wharton, District Superintendent, and the property owner is the Nestucca Valley School District.

Conditional Use Notice of Application
851-21-000130-PLNG Kircher

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for the construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH)  Zone. The subject property is accessed via Rocky Cove Lane, a private road, and designated as Tax Lot 4400 of Section 35DA in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Under Review
851-21-000126-PLNG Davis/Reeher's Homestead Inc.

 A Non-Conforming Minor Review request to allow the expansion of a non-conforming use involving the siting of a residential structure in a location which conforms to the dimensional standards of the zone and required riparian setbacks.  The proposed site of development is on the eastern side of Reeher Road, a private road, and west of Bend Creek Road, also a private road.  The subject property is accessed off of the Wilson River Highway via Reeher Road and is designated as Tax Lot 800 in Section 4 of Township 1 North, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Nonconforming Review Appeal Period
851-21-000124-PLNG Iselin Architects/Kevin Kolin

A Variance request to reduce the required 20-foot rear-yard setback to fifteen (15) feet for construction of a single-family dwelling on a property located in the Unincorporated Community of Barview-Watesco-Twin Rocks. The subject property is accessed via Ocean Blvd., a County road, is zoned Community Medium Density Urban Residential (CR-2) and is designated as Tax Lot 3207 of Section 7DA, Township 1 North, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicants are Iselin Architects and the property owner is Kevin Kolin.

Variance Appeal Period
851-21-000096-PLNG Mohler Sand & Gravel/Boswell

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the extraction and redeposition of 45,000-cubic yards of gravel within the Floodway. The subject property is accessed from Foss Road, a County road, and is designated as Tax Lot 1100, of Section 5 of Township 2 North, Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The property is located in the Rural Industrial (RI) Zone.  The applicants are Mohler Sand & Gravel and Todd Boswell.  The property owner is Nancy M Smith.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period

Bill Hughes/Avalon Heights LLC

Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held by the Tillamook County Planning Commission at 6:30p.m. on Thursday, June 10th, 2021 and at 6:30pm on Thursday, July 8th, 2021 in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Rooms A & B of the Tillamook County Courthouse, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, OR  97141 to consider the following:

Subdivision Appeal Period
851-21-000088-PLNG Dennis Widmer/ James Hantke

Variance request to increase the maximum building height from 24-feet to 25.5-feet for the construction of a single-family dwelling. Located within the Netarts Unincorporated Community, the subject property is located at 1650 Pearl Street West, a County road and is designated as Tax Lot 5600 in Section 6AA of Township 2 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon. 

Variance Appeal Period

Pine Beach/ Multiple


Goal Exception Appeal Period
851-21-000076-PLNG Dale Van Lydegraf

An exception request to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Nestucca River to 30-feet at the closest point to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling.  The subject property is located within the Pacific City/Woods Unincorporated Community, is zoned Pacific City/Woods Medium Density Residential (PCW-R2) and is accessed from Nestucca Boulevard, a County road.  The subject property is designated as Tax Lot 12300 in Section 19CB of Township 4 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owner is Dale Van Lyde

Resource / Riparian Exception Appeal Period
851-21-000069-PLNG City of Rockaway Beach

Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held by the Tillamook County Planning Commission at 6:30p.m. on Thursday, May 27th, 2021 and at 6:30pm on Thursday, June 24, 2021 in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Rooms A & B of the Tillamook County Courthouse, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141, and public hearings on this matter will also be held by the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners at 10:30a.m. on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 and at 10:30a.m.

Zone Map Amendment Planning Commission Hearing
851-21-000054-PLNG Ben Kibler/ Mike Erickson

A request for approval of a Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Permit for a remodel project of an existing single-family dwelling on a property located within the Unincorporated Community Boundary of Neskowin, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) and within the Neskowin Coastal Hazards Overlay (Nesk-CH)  Zone. The subject property is addressed as 49670 Surf Road and designated as Tax Lot 1900 of Section 36BC in Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon.

Neskowin Coastal Hazard Area Appeal Period
851-21-000047-PLNG Onion Peak Design/ Jason & Mandy Mock Partition Notice of Application
851-21-000034-PLNG Bill Hughes/Avalon Heights LLC

A Partition request to create three (3) parcels on a property located in the unincorporated community of Oceanside. The subject property is accessed off Highland Drive, a County local access road, and is designated as Tax Lot 200 of Section 30DC in Township 1 South, Range 10 West, W.M., Oregon. The property is zoned Residential Oceanside (ROS). The Applicant is Bill Hughes. The property owner is Avalon Heights LLC.

Partition Appeal Period
851-21-000010-PLNG Bruce Lovelin

A Conditional Use request to construct a three-family unit condominium, on a property improved with an existing single-family dwelling.  The subject property is located within the unincorporated community of Oceanside on Happy Camp Rd, a County Road, and designated as Tax Lot 100 in Section 31DB of Township 1 South, Range 10 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon.  The applicant and property owner are Bruce Lovelin.

Conditional Use Notice of Application

Emerio Design/Jeff Powelson

A review of a Floodway Development Permit for the placement of a proposed single-family dwelling and accessory structure near the Nestucca River. Together, with an exception request #851-21-000327-PLNG, to reduce the required 50-foot riparian setback from the Nestucca River to 8-feet to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling.

Floodplain Development Permit Appeal Period
851-20-000526-PLNG Onion Peak Design/ La Contrada, LLC

An amended Partition Request to reflect creation of one additional parcel to create a total of 3 parcels.  Located within the unincorporated community of Neahkahnie and accessed Via Bel’Mare Road, a private road, the subject property is designated as Tax Lot 500 of Section 20BC, Township 3 North Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County Oregon. The subject property is zoned Neahkahnie Urban Residential (NK-15). Property owner is La Contrada, LLC and the applicant is Onion Peak Design. 

Partition Notice of Application