Community Development

Tillamook County Logo

Re: Application Submittals to DCD

Community Development requires applications be provided in-person or mailed to the Department at 1510-B Third Street, Tillamook, OR. Scheduling an in-person appointment using the Department's Online Booking Calendar is the most effective submittal process, as it ensures Staff availability for completeness reviews. Emailed submittals will not be accepted at this time. Digital submission of structural plan review is NOT accepted at this time, unless prior coordination is made directly with DCD Staff. 


Use Tillamook County Community Development's Online Booking Calendar for scheduling appointments with staff. 

Please call the Inspection Hotline for scheduling structural, trade and Short Term Rental inspections at 503.842.1815.

Pre-application meetings are now required prior to submittal of a Floodplain Development Permit. Please contact the office at 503-842-3408 to coordinate scheduling the appointment. 

FEMA Pre-Implemetation Compliance Measures for NFIP Communities Letter dated July 15, 2024

Netarts Community Questionnaire -

2024 Short-Term Rental Renewal Compliance Checklist

Short-Term Rental Program Inquiries: 503-842-3408 x 3315

Short Term Rental Inspection Line: 503-842-1815

Short-Term Rental NON-Emergency Complaint Hotline: 503-850-0402. 

Short-Term Rental Online Complaint Portal:  Click Link for Host Compliance here


Short-Term Rental New License Information Sheet

Short-Term Rental Online Registry

Brownfield Assessment Grant Community Information Meeting

FEMA BiOp Implementation Meeting

To view meeting a recording of the April 5, 2023 meeting, see link here. 

Access to Draft Implementation Plan

Link to Federal Register Notice of Intent

Link to Formal Comment Submittal

Tillamook County Weekly Inspection Schedule

Please be advised due to inclement weather inspector availability may vary and the schedule below could be subject to change.

RESIDENTIAL Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical, Plumbing Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical, Plumbing Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical, Plumbing Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical, Plumbing Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical, Plumbing
COMMERCIAL Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical,  Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical,  Plumbing Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical,  Plumbing   Electrical,  Plumbing Structural, Mechanical,  Electrical,  Plumbing

The Department continues to operate at full capacity to meet customer needs, however the office is open to the public in limited capacity and by appointment. In-person appointments will be prioritized for building permit and land use application submittals.  Please visit the Department website to schedule an appointment or schedule time to visit with staff, or call 503-842-3408 x3412 for assistance.

  • An appointment is required for Zoning/Building Permit application submittals. Incomplete applications will not be accepted and processed. Planners are available by appointment only. 
  • The green and red bins located outside the DCD main office door will continue to be used for convenient drop-off and pick-up services.
  • The first and second floor counters in the Department will continue to be used for DCD services, and counter location is determined by the type of service requested as confirmed at the time of making an appointment. (Please visit the main counter on the first floor if you are unsure where to go.)
  • Please allow 5 business days for property file and public record copy requests. Research fees and/or copy fees will be applied.

General Information

Virtual Link for Public Meetings

Planning Commission, Housing Commission, STR Committee, Public Meetings, Town Hall Meetings, etc. will meet using the following info:
Call in: 1-971-254-3149, Conference ID: 887 242 77#
Virtual Teams Link