Informative & Fun
Our Master Recyclers are a whiz at finding creative things to do with things normally tossed in our trash. Recently they took the time to hold some classes at the Tillamook Branch of the County Library. Here are the instructions of the crafts they shared if you want to give them a try on your own!

Cool shopping bags, headbands, and bracelets made from old T-shirts!
At the 2017 Home and Garden Show we shared some ideas on repurposing things commonly found in our garbage or recycle bins. Below are some of the items we had on display and how to make them at home.
If you have other ideas or comments about items you have made using items from your garbage or recycle bin, please let us know! We'd love to hear from you!
Please note that most of the items shared here are not original ideas. We've tried to give credit to the source where we found the idea as well as a link to the information so you can investigate it for yourself. We highly recommend sites like Pinterest for fantastic ideas

This composter was on display at the Home and Garden show. Click the photo for directions to make your own!

This butterfly has been well loved so it isn't as pretty as it was at first. At least you can get the idea of what it could look like!

This cow is so appropriate for Tillamook County and makes a great tabletop decoration.

Want to spruce up your deck? Check out this simple idea!

Want an inexpensive way to make your own recycle bins? See how this idea stacks up!

How about something unique for Halloween? Using 8 milk jugs it also helps reduce what you take to the recycle yard!